Mac Power 1996 June
NetBooks 2.5
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had invoice transactions.□
delete the item after you close all the G/L periods during which the item
click Save. NetBooks puts the item on delete status and will automatically
DELETE CHECK BOX - To delete an item, click the Delete check box, then
NonTaxable button.□
you are not required to charge sales tax when you sell this item, click the
ITEM TAXABILITY BUTTONS - NetBooks defaults to the Taxable button. If
the hour.□
"lb." if you sell the item by the pound, or "Hour" if you bill a service by
might enter "cs/24" if you sell the item by the case with 24 to a case,
will identify how you usually sell or package the item. For example, you
UNIT OF MEASUREMENT - Enter up to five alphanumeric characters that
change the item's Sales Price.□
changes the Sales Price for invoices you enter after you□
窶「 Set up the item again and change the Sales Price. This□
Price for that invoice only.□
when you are entering an invoice. This changes the Sales□
窶「 Override the default Sales Price for a specific invoice□
You can change the Sales Price at any time:□
item. When you enter your invoices, NetBooks defaults to the Sales Price.
SALES PRICE - Enter the price you most often charge customers for this
customers, and A/R lists.□
your Enter Invoices window, print on the invoices that you mail to your
DESCRIPTION - Enter the item's description as you want it to appear on
that you are setting up a new item.□
displays ***New Item*** in the item Description field. This alerts you
When you enter an Item ID that you have not set up previously, NetBooks
You can use a specific item ID only once.□
will identify an item. You can use any combination of letters and numbers.
ITEM ID - Enter an alphanumeric code from one to nine characters that
can add, change, and delete your items from this window.□
help your customers understand what they are being invoiced for. You
your invoices, the item information you entered is listed on the invoice to
NetBooks uses the item information to save you time. When you print
television repair and bookkeeping work. When you enter your invoices,
sell, such as televisions and stereos, or services you provide, such
enter items when you enter you invoices. Items can be inventory you
Use this window to enter the items you sell to your customers; you will
□□□□□□□ツサSetup Items□
box and take the customer off delete status.□
payments. Until the customer is actually deleted, you can click this check
balance and no outstanding transactions, such as invoice and on account
customer after you close a G/L period as long as the customer has a zero
NetBooks puts the customer on delete status and automatically deletes the
Save button.□
customer you wish to delete. Click the Delete check box; then click the
DELETE CHECK BOX - To put a customer on delete status, select the
any G/L account, not in the customer's account template.□
Even if you use an Account Template, you may still enter transactions to
in the template appear as prompts to help you enter your transactions.
When you enter transactions for this customer, the accounts you included
set up each of your customers with or without an account template.□
in the account template, NetBooks displays the account names. You can
display up to four G/L accounts. When you enter the G/L account numbers
ACCOUNT TEMPLATE - You can customize each of your customers to
the customer exceeds the approved credit limit.□
this customer. When you enter customer invoices, NetBooks alerts you if
CREDIT LIMIT - Enter the maximum amount of credit you want to extend
NetBooks recalculates the other.□
%. You can accept the Discount Amount and %, or change one, and
Discount Amount based on the invoice amount and the customer's Discount
When you enter your customer payments, NetBooks prompts you with the
Enter 1 1/8% as "1.125".□
DISCOUNT % - Enter the customer's early-payment discount percentage.
have already entered.□
overriding the due date when entering invoices, and revising invoices you
a customer's due days at any time by setting up the customer again,
NetBooks defaults to 30 days as the customer's due days. You can change
due date as 4/19/99.□
customer invoice with an 4/4/99 invoice date, NetBooks calculates the
For example, if you enter 15 for the customer due days and enter a
invoice date and the customer's number of due days.□
you enter your invoices, NetBooks calculates the due date based on the
invoices. You can enter up to three digits, not exceeding 365 days. When
DUE DAYS - Enter the number of days you allow the customer to pay your
602/998-9106 or (602)998-9106.□
PHONE - Enter the customer's phone number in any format. For example,
as the default.□
When you enter invoices for this customer, NetBooks uses this percentage
want to change the default, enter a percentage.□
Profile window, NetBooks defaults to the percentage you entered. If you
SALES TAX % - If you enter a Sales Tax Percentage in the Setup A/R
or resolve problems concerning this particular customer.□
CONTACT - Enter the name of the person you would call to get information
to appear on your invoices and statements.□
SHIP TO ADDRESS - Enter the customer's shipping address as you want it
next address line. Press the TAB to advance to the next field.□
lines of alphanumeric characters. Press the ENTER or RETURN to go to the
appear on your invoices and statements. The address can be up to five
BILL TO ADDRESS - Enter the customer's billing address as you want it to
invoices, statements, books, and reports.□
NAME - Enter the customer's name as you want it to appear on your
ID only once.□
characters uppercase (CAPITAL letters). You can use a specific customer
numbers. If you use alphabetic characters, NetBooks enters these
will identify a customer. You may use any combination of letters and
CUSTOMER ID - Enter a code from one to six alphanumeric characters that
After you enter an A/R transactions, you cannot change your method.□
of the invoices to make up the customers' unpaid balances.□
period. Except for current month invoices, you cannot print a detail list
customer's total outstanding balance beginning with the oldest aging
you enter a customer payment, NetBooks deducts the payment from the
balances for the G/L period during which the invoice was entered. When
unpaid balances. NetBooks only retains the detail of unpaid invoice
With the balance forward method, you track your customers by their total
your customers.□
time, you can print an aging list of all the specific unpaid invoices for all
payment, you must apply the payment against specific invoices. At any
balances until the invoices are paid in full. When you enter a customer
individual, specific invoices. NetBooks retains the detail of unpaid invoice
With the open item method, you track your customers' balances by
A/R METHOD - You can select from two methods: Open Item or Balance
information to save you time.□
you enter your invoices and cash receipts, NetBooks uses the customer
are companies or individuals to whom you sell goods and services. When
Use this window to enter information about your customers. Customers
□□□□□□□ツサSetup Customers□
□□□□□□□ツサSetup Accounts Receivable Menu□
Number, in Ascending Order.□
NetBooks defaults to print your recurring entries to the screen by Entry
□□□□□□□ツサPrint Recurring Entries□
check boxes.□
each of your divisions or departments, click the Division or Department
CHECK BOXES - If you want to print your company's chart of accounts for
number and "Untitled" as the name.□
have not set up a division or department, NetBooks prints the appropriate
you used a department or division number in a G/L account for which you
prints a heading for each, followed by the appropriate G/L accounts. If
If you print a chart of accounts by division or department, NetBooks
order. NetBooks does not select the Division or Department check boxes.□
defaults to print your chart of accounts to the screen, and in ascending
account type: Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Expense. NetBooks
No matter what you select, NetBooks prints your chart of accounts by
accounts marked for deletion.□
accounts memo field. The chart of accounts listing also indicates G/L
addition, if you click the Print Memo check box, the list includes each
accounts. The list includes the G/L account numbers and names. In
A list of your G/L accounts is usually referred to as your chart of
□□□□□□□ツサPrint Chart of Accounts□
division and department.□
you can use the report groups to print the report for more than one
You can only print a report for one division and department at a time, but
division and department number.□
specific division and department. Click a check boxes and enter the
DIVISIONS/DEPARTMENTS - You can print your financial reports for a
comparative period last year, and what you have done recently
(Budget), the budget variance percentage, what you did during a
This report shows what you did (Actual), what you planned to do
G/L periods previous to 2-1999 which are 12-1998 and 1-1999.□
periods, 2-1999 and 3-1999. As a result, the Previous is for the two
In the example above, you've chose to print the report for two G/L
窶「 Previous窶濡/L period 12-1998 to 1-1999□
窶「 Last Year窶濡/L period 2-1998 to 3-1998□
窶「 Budget窶敗ame as actual□
窶「 Actual窶濡/L period 2-1999 to 3-1999□
period(S) you have selected for the Actual. For example:□
Previous refers to the G/L period(s) immediately preceding the G/L
includes Actual, Budget, Variance (percentage only), Last Year, and
Comparative Income Statement: The Comparative Income Statement
year's transactions to a similar period last year.□
previous fiscal year. As a result, you can compare the results of this
Last Year: Last Year refers the results of a similar period during the
expense account amounts, NetBooks print each as a percentage of total
your sales G/L accounts as the Ratio(%), in addition to the income and
Ratio(%) when you set up the report. For example, if you selected all of
amounts on the report to the sum of the accounts you indicated as the
Percentage-Ratio(%): NetBooks prints a ratio percentage that compares
actual and last year, either for a range of G/L period(s) or year-to-date.□
Variance: Variance refers to the difference between actual and budget or
entered for each G/L period on the Enter Budget Information window.□
budget amounts, and is based on adding together the amounts you've
YTD Budget: YTD Budget refers to the year-to-date income and expense
entered for a G/L period on the Enter Budget Information window.□
Budget: Budget refers to the income and expense budget amounts you've
However, these amounts are the year-to-date total.□
YTD Actual: YTD Actual also refers to amounts from your General Ledger.
G/L period.□
These amounts are the results of the transactions you've entered for each
Actual: Actual refers to G/L period amounts from your General Ledger.
The following is a brief explanation of the components of each of the
must select the style of the columns.□
the rows of the financial reports. When you print financial reports, you
COLUMN DATA - When you set up your financial reports, you customized
the first G/L period in the range.□
cannot print for more than one G/L period, NetBooks prints the report for
system date. If you select a range of G/L periods for a report that you
G/L periods. NetBooks defaults both G/L periods based on the Macintosh
G/L PERIODS - You can print some of your financial reports for a range of
Balance Sheet, Standard Income Statement, and Standard Trial Balance.□
reports. NetBooks includes a few standard reports, such as a Standard
GET BUTTON - Click the Get button to display your existing financial
the Report Name and it prints on your reports.□
as Department Expense Analysis or Summary Balance Sheet. The name is
REPORT NAME - When you set up a report, you give it with a name, such
report that are not in your chart of accounts.□
report title. In addition, the report lists the G/L accounts used in the
page of each report. NetBooks prints "INACCURATE" to the right of the
accounts that were missing or that were used more than once on the first
When you print reports (except for schedules), NetBooks prints G/L
and department□
窶「 Divisions/Departments to indicate the division□
窶「 G/L Periods to select a range of G/L periods□
窶「 Report Name to select one of your reports□
窶「 Column Data to select the report style□
NetBooks provides you with a number of options to print your financial
□□□□□□□ツサPrint Financial Reports□
click the Range of Accounts button.□
Accounts. If you want to print a General Ledger for a Range of Accounts,
ACCOUNT SELECTION - NetBooks defaults to print the G/L for all G/L
Card Control Account.□
G/L prints the individual transactions and a summary total for the Credit
For example, for the Credit Card journal you set up in the G/L, the detail
窶「 Transaction explanations (only if you entered□
offset account□
transaction, and a summary total for each□
offset accounts, including each individual journal□
窶「 NetBooks journals and your special G/L journals with□
your special G/L journals with no offset accounts□
窶「 All General Journal entries and journal entries for□
A detail G/L includes the following transaction amounts:□
special journals with offset accounts□
窶「 Summary totals for NetBooks journals and your□
special G/L journals□
窶「 Summary totals for the General Journal and your□
A summary General Ledger includes the summary transaction amounts:□
prior to your Starting Period, you can only print a summary G/L.□
click the Detail button. If you select a closed G/L period or a G/L period
to print a General Ledger with journal details, including explanations,
FORM - NetBooks defaults to print the G/L in summary form. If you want
balances all total to zero.□
accounts' opening balances, the G/L period(S) transactions, and closing
negative amounts (with a minus sign to the right of the amounts). The G/L
The General Ledger prints debits as positive amounts and credits as
窶「 Closing balance□
窶「 Current G/L period transactions□
窶「 Opening balance□
窶「 G/L account number and name□
The General Ledger lists the following information for each of your G/L
□□□□□□□ツサPrint General Ledger□
Register that includes the vendor checks for the chosen G/L period.□
VENDOR CHECKS BUTTON - Click the Vendor Checks button to print a Check
print this Check Register before you close a pay period.□
period. If you want a batch listing of employee checks for each payroll,
Check Register that includes the employee checks for your latest open pay
EMPLOYEE CHECKS BUTTON - Click the Employee Checks button to print a
chosen G/L period.□
of your checks that includes all the vendor and employee checks for the
ALL CHECKS BUTTON - NetBooks defaults to print a Check Register for all
chosen G/L period.□
your checks that includes all the vendor and employee checks for the
CHECK SELECTION - NetBooks defaults to print a Check Register for all of
the checkbook you want. NetBooks displays the checkbook you've
wish to change to another checkbook. Click the Checkbook field and select
CHECKBOOK - NetBooks defaults to print your first checkbook. If you
Starting Period, whichever is later, in ascending order by check number.□
screen, for the G/L period based on the Macintosh system date or the
NetBooks defaults to print the Check Register for all checks, to the
any discount, and the check amount.□
payable to (for example, the vendor or employee), the total owed, less
The Check Register lists the check number, date, whom the check was
□□□□□□□ツサPrint Check Register□
you want. NetBooks displays the journal you've selected.□
change to another journal, click the Journal field and select the journal
JOURNAL - NetBooks defaults to print the General Journal. If you wish to
closed G/L period, and the closing balance.□
Ledger prints only the opening balance, the net transaction total for the
G/L for a closed G/L period, for each of your G/L accounts, the General
period. NetBooks dims G/L periods that are closed. If you print a detail
However, you cannot print a journal or a detail G/L for a closed G/L
G/L PERIOD - You can print for one or more consecutive G/L periods.
order by transaction number.□
system date or your Starting Period, whichever is later, and in ascending
General Journal to the screen, for the G/L period based on the Macintosh
select to print on the top of the window. NetBooks defaults to print the
you special journals. NetBooks displays the name of the journal you
Use this window to select how you want to print your General Journal and
□□□□□□□ツサPrint Journals□
□□□□□□□ツサPrint General Ledger Menu□